Copyrights and Marks

Our Copyrights and Marks statements are part of our policies and legal information:

The Richens/Timm Academy of Irish Dance is a best-practices organization, and as such, we make every effort abide by all applicable laws and regulations governing Copyrights, Service Marks and Trade Marks. We endeavor to seek out Partner brand standards and use appropriate attribution. Per guidelines generally stipulated by best-practices, we display a:

© for copyright

™ for trademark

® for registered trademark

℠ for service mark

The Richens/Timm Academy of Irish Dance has invested considerably in its Brand and our Website and other collateral design to include various icons, crests, color palettes, photographs, and alignment with the assorted brands of our support organizations – our non profit parent boosters clubs.


The Richens/Timm Academy logo is our corporate name and brand. Its related design display is annotated as being copyrighted.  It is based on a modification of the Richens Academy brand identity, and when we re-branded to the Richens/Timm Academy – our brand identity changed at that time.

Our name Richens/Timm Academy of Irish Dance (aka Richens/Timm Academies aka Richens Academies) is a registered tradename by the Ohio Secretary of State, and all others are put on notice to cease and desist.

We own our domain and we establish our intellectual ownership of all brand assets effective

A © followed by either a single year date or date range, as in 2014 or later as 2014-2017, may display on our web site (footer region) or on our print materials (web PDFs, print, etc.).

The absence of this attribution by intentional or accidental omission in our use does not imply the lack of copyright. Anyone else who mentions our brand on web or print without our written permission should attribute our copyright appropriately by footnote.

All photos in on our Gallery pages are our property and may include images of our students, teachers and others.  It should be assumed that these images are  fully copyrighted by Richens/Timm Academies.  Images may be downloaded for personal use, but any other use requires written permission except as we may express to our students, booster members, and others at our discretion.

Any video may include choreography – some may be of traditional dances where the steps are set and recorded in official books.  However, many contemporary pieces may include choreography designed by our teachers or students, and may not be used or exploited by others without our written permission.

Our written content is original and may not be used by others without our expressed written authorization, and only then with proper attribution and a link to the original content.  In like manner, we will observe the same best practices.

Feel free to review all our Legal policies: